John Calder, the founder of the Calder Bookshop and Theatre, published eighteen Nobel Prize winners and around fifteen hundred books, mostly from French and European writers, which he contributed to make famous. Among them are Beckett, Ionesco, Duras, Burroughs and Borges.
Here are a series of his original volumes, which have become collector’s items.

A beautiful collection of twelve short volumes brought out ten years after the great writher’s death, containing the best of his shorter pieces, ranging from early work to the final writings. All of them have covers with the photographs of Samuel Beckett taken by the Irish photographer John Minihan, which, catching the author in different moods, have become classics on their own.
Texts for nothing, Dramatic works and dialogues, All strange away, Worstward Ho, Six residua, For to end yet again, The old tune, First love, As the story was told, Three novellas, Stirrings still and Selected Poems
Calder Publications

Samuel Beckett
Written in French after the war, but only translated by the author nearly twenty years later, this is a comic masterpiece where much of the comedy is grim in nature. Built around the chance meetings and missings of the two protagonists, who embark on a journey and return, this piece is probably Beckett’s lightest novel and enormously enjoyable.
Calder Publications

Samuel Beckett
This piece occupies a special place in the late work of Samuel Beckett, a haunting picture of an old woman, alone in her cabin, who watches the evening and the morning star and ventures out chiefly to visit a grave. In prose of great poetic beauty, which the author translated from the original French text, Beckett returns to the imagery of the Old and New Testaments to speculate on the great questions of human existence.
Calder Publications

Samuel Beckett’s celebrated study of Marcel Proust, whose theories of time were to play a large part in his own work. A brilliant work of critical insight. This volume also contains the equally acclaimed dialogues with the art critic Georges Duthuit on the nature and purpose of art.
Calder Publications

Samuel Beckett
Beckett’s early tragic-comic masterpiece, first published in 1934, is a collection of stories about Belacqua, a student in Dublin in the twenties, his adventures, encounters and romances. Through its original style and wry commentary, the novel succeeds in turning every-day incidents into high drama.
Calder Publications

Samuel BeckettRe edition of the first anthology of Poetry published by John Calder in 1984. From the early “Whorescope”, written overnight to win the Nancy Cunard Prize in 1930, to the “Mirlittonades”, short outbursts written in French, there is a great variety of mood and style, but the Beckett voice and stoical acceptance of the unpleasantness of the human condition is always present and recognisable.
Calder Publications

POEMS 1930-1989
Samuel BeckettThis is the most complete collection of Samuel Beckett’s poetry yet to appear, containing much previously uncollected work, both in English and in French. There is also a section of early poems, probably all written before 1930, when the author was a young man.
Calder Publications

Samuel BeckettThis is the first reprint of an important volume of Beckett’s miscellaneous writings on art, literature and related matters. The unfinished play “Human Wishes” and a number of important letters are included, as well as the famous “Duthuit Dialogues”. Beckett was persuaded by scholar Ruby Cohn to allow these writings to be published, six years before his death.
Calder Publications

John Calder“Publish and be damned”, Wellington’s famous adage, runs like a leitmotiv through John Calder’s memoirs. He was damned by a censorious press, by politicians, by other publishers and by organs of the state for publishing books on sensitive issues, often against the grain, and for such authors as Henry Miller, William Burroughs, Alexander Trocchi and Hubert Selby (among many others.) He exposed McCarty’s witch hunt, the atrocities of the Algerian war and produced many books on British affairs.
Calder Publications

Jorge Luis Borges
A collection of seventeen of Borges best know short stories. John Calder was the publisher that introduced the great Argentinian writer to the British public.
Calder Publications