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The Calder Bookshop is London’s premier source for theatre books, whether you are looking for new plays, elegant second-hand copies, rare editions or books on the theory and craft of the stage. The Calder is named for John Calder, friend to and publisher of Samuel Beckett. We sell a range of original Calder publications of Beckett’s nonfiction.
In addition to theatre, we specialise in philosophy, politics, political history, and psychology books. Our selection of second-hand stock ranges across genres to all areas of interest. Have a browse of some of our standout second-hand pieces, available for purchase online.
In addition to theatre, we specialise in philosophy, politics, political history, and psychology books. Our selection of second-hand stock ranges across genres to all areas of interest. Have a browse of some of our standout second-hand pieces, available for purchase online.

Theatre authors:
Abdulrazzark, Ackland, Henry Adam, Samuel Adamson, Addai, Adshead, Aeschylus, Agbaje, Agboulaje, Albee, Tariq Ali, Aluko, de Angelis, Arden, Anouilh, Arbuzov, Aristophanes, Armitage, Austen, Auster, Aykbourn.
Babe, Bacon, Baldwin, Annie Baker, Granville Barker, Howard Barker, Adam Barnard, Luke Barnes, Peter Barnes, Mike Bartlett, Neil Bartlett, Al Bassam, Bean, Beaumarchais, Beaumont, Beckett, Behan, Behn, Alan Bennett, Bent, Beresford, Bergman, Berkoff, Bernays, Bhatti, Bhim, Birch, Bird, Blanco, Block, Blythe, Bogosian, Bond, Bolt, Borrett, Bovell, Boyd, Brace, Brecht, Brennan, Brenton, Brogan, Bronte, Brook, Brown, Brunger, Bruce, Buchner, Buckley, Buero-Vallejo, Buffini, Bulgakov, Bulgo, Burgess, Gregory Burke, Kathy Burke, Burt, Bush, Butler, Butterworth, Byrne, Byrom.
Cabal, Caldwell, Cameron, Campbell, Camus, Cannon, Carbunariu, Cardinal, Carr, Cartwright, Cary, Cash, Chadwick, Chandler, Chappell, Cheneliere, Choiniere, Christow, Churchill, Cesaire, Ceresoli, Civilians, Clifford, Cocteau, Cogan, Coghlan, Complicite, Congrave, Cook, Cooney, Corrie, Coward, Craig, Crane, Crimp, Crouch, Cruz, Cullen.
Dalton, Davison, Davies, Dear, Delaney, Dickens, Diggle, Dipper, Dorfman, Dos Santos, Dowie, Doyle, Dryden, Duffy, Dugan, Dumas, Dunkley, Durrenmatt.
Eclayr-Powell, Edgard, Edmundson, Edwards, Einhorn, Elderidge, Eliot, Ellis, Elyot, Etherage, Evans, Eyre.
Farber, Farquhar, Farr, Feehily, Ferguson, Ferrentino, de Filippo, Fincken, Flanders, Flaubert, Fo, Ford, Foreman, Forster, Foster, Fosse, Frantic Assembly, Frantzmann, Frayn, French, Friel, Frisch, Fritz, Fugard.
Garnett, Gay, Gems, Genet, Gibson, Gill, Gilroy, Glover, Godber, Goethe, Goetz, Gogol, Golaszewski, Golde, Goldman, Goldoni, Goldsmith, Goodale, Goode, Gordon, Gorky, Gough, Grace, Graham, Gray, Tucker Green, Greenberg, Gregg, Greig, Griffiths, Grinter, Grosse, Grosso, Guare, Adly Guirgis, Gupta, Gurira.
Hagan, Haig, Halder, Hall, Hallard, Hamidi, Halliday, Hampton, Hannan, Harding, Hare, Harris, Harris, Harrower, Hartley, Harvey, Harwood, Hastings, Havel, Hayes, Herzog, Heywood, Hickson, Hnath, Hoban, Hodge, Holcroft, Hollingworth, Holman, Holmes, Honess-Marti, Von Horbath, Horwood, Houghton, Hunter, Hurley, Hutchinson, Hwang.
Ibsen, Ionesco, Ireland, Ives.
Jackson, Jacobs-Jenkins, Jarry, Jasienski, Jeffries, Jelinek, Johnson, Jonson, Jones, Jordan, Josephine, Joyce.
Kane, Kapuscinki, Karam, Keatley, Keeffe, Kelly, Kene, Kennedy, Khalil, Khan Din, Khemiri, Kinahan, Kinnear, Kirkwood, Von Kleist, Koltes, Kopit, Kramer, Kraus, Kroetz, Kureishi, Kushner, Kuti.
LaBute, Lafferty, Langridge, Laughton, Laurens, Lavery, Leader, Lecky, Lee, Leigh, Lenkiewicz, Lepage, Letts, Levenson, Levkov, Lewensten, Lindsay, Lindsay Abaire, Lochhead, Lock, Logan, Lomas, London, Longman, Lope de Vega, Lorca, Lovatt, Lucas, Lustgarten, Lynn.
McAuliffe, McDonagh, McDowall, McGrath, McGuinness, MacIvor, McIntyre, McKnight, McLean, MacMillan, McPherson, Maddock, Malaolu, Mahindru, Mohoney, Malcolm, Mamet, Manfridi, Marber, Marivaux, Margulies, Marlowe, Marston, Martin, Maslowska, du Maurier, Maxwell, Von Mayenburg, Menander, Mendes da Costa, Mercer, Michalik, Middleton, Miles, Miller, Mitchell, Moffat, Moliere, Monaghan, Moore, Morgan, Morisseu, Morpurgo, Morris, Mortimer, Morton-Smith, Moss, Motton, Mouawad, Mtwa, Muller, Munro, Murphy, de Musset, Musgrave.
Naylor, Nelson, Neilson, Nichols, Ng, Noda, Norris, Norton-Taylor, Nothomb, Nottage, Nunnery.
Oakes, Obisesan, O’Casey, Odets, O’Donnell, O’Hare, O’Neill, Okri, Omar, O’Reilly, O’Rowe, Orton, Osborne, Owen.
Parks, Pascal, Pautz, Payne, Penhall, Petterle, Phelps, Philpott, Pierre, Pinero, Pinnock, Pinter Pirandello, Pirinen, Placey, Plautus, Poet, Pomerance, Poulton, Power, Pownall, Potter, Pratchett, Prebble, Presnyakov, Price, Priestlley, Punter, Pushkin. .
Rabellato, Racine, Radstrom, Raine, Rapp, Ravenhill, Rattigan, Razia, Reiss, Reza, Ridley, River, Roberts, Roberts, Roche, Rogers, Ronder, Romero, Rose, Ruhl, Russell, Rylance.
Saki, Samuels, Dos Santos, Sartre, Scottee, Segal, Semerciyan, Seavey, Seaton, Seneca, Shaffer, Shakespeare, Shaw, Schitzler, Schultz, Schiller, Sebold, Shanley, Shaplin, Squires, Shawn, Shepard, Sher, Sheridan, Sherriff, Shinn, The Sh!t Theatre, Silas, Simpson, Sinha, Sirett, Skinner, Slade, Slovo, Smith, Soans, Sondheim, Soper, Sophocles, Soyinka, Spallen, Specht, Squires, Steel, Steiner, Stephens, Stephenson, Stivicic, Stoppard, Strindberg, Stuart, Swale, Synge.
Tagore, Tait, Taylor, Teale, Teevan, Tempest, Terence, Testament, Thompson, Thomas, Thorne, Theatre Workshop, Till, Toksvig, Tolstoy, Townsend, Trafford, Treadwell, Tressel, Turgenev.
Wade, Wakulik, Waldron, Walker, Wallace, Waller-Bridge, Walsh, Waters, Watson, Watt, Webster, Wedekind, Weigh, Wells, Weller, Wertenbaker, Von Werthern, Wesker, Westerside, de Wet, Whithouse, Whitney, Whittaker-Khan, Whitehill, Whitehead, Whittet, Whittington, Wijs, Wilder, Thornton Wilder, Wilde, Williams, Tennessee Williams, Willis, Wilson, Whitnall, Wood, Woods, Wooley, Wolf, Wright, Wu, Wycherley.
Zajdlic, Zeller, Zimmerman, Ziegler, Zizek, Zola, Zuckmayer.
Abdulrazzark, Ackland, Henry Adam, Samuel Adamson, Addai, Adshead, Aeschylus, Agbaje, Agboulaje, Albee, Tariq Ali, Aluko, de Angelis, Arden, Anouilh, Arbuzov, Aristophanes, Armitage, Austen, Auster, Aykbourn.
Babe, Bacon, Baldwin, Annie Baker, Granville Barker, Howard Barker, Adam Barnard, Luke Barnes, Peter Barnes, Mike Bartlett, Neil Bartlett, Al Bassam, Bean, Beaumarchais, Beaumont, Beckett, Behan, Behn, Alan Bennett, Bent, Beresford, Bergman, Berkoff, Bernays, Bhatti, Bhim, Birch, Bird, Blanco, Block, Blythe, Bogosian, Bond, Bolt, Borrett, Bovell, Boyd, Brace, Brecht, Brennan, Brenton, Brogan, Bronte, Brook, Brown, Brunger, Bruce, Buchner, Buckley, Buero-Vallejo, Buffini, Bulgakov, Bulgo, Burgess, Gregory Burke, Kathy Burke, Burt, Bush, Butler, Butterworth, Byrne, Byrom.
Cabal, Caldwell, Cameron, Campbell, Camus, Cannon, Carbunariu, Cardinal, Carr, Cartwright, Cary, Cash, Chadwick, Chandler, Chappell, Cheneliere, Choiniere, Christow, Churchill, Cesaire, Ceresoli, Civilians, Clifford, Cocteau, Cogan, Coghlan, Complicite, Congrave, Cook, Cooney, Corrie, Coward, Craig, Crane, Crimp, Crouch, Cruz, Cullen.
Dalton, Davison, Davies, Dear, Delaney, Dickens, Diggle, Dipper, Dorfman, Dos Santos, Dowie, Doyle, Dryden, Duffy, Dugan, Dumas, Dunkley, Durrenmatt.
Eclayr-Powell, Edgard, Edmundson, Edwards, Einhorn, Elderidge, Eliot, Ellis, Elyot, Etherage, Evans, Eyre.
Farber, Farquhar, Farr, Feehily, Ferguson, Ferrentino, de Filippo, Fincken, Flanders, Flaubert, Fo, Ford, Foreman, Forster, Foster, Fosse, Frantic Assembly, Frantzmann, Frayn, French, Friel, Frisch, Fritz, Fugard.
Garnett, Gay, Gems, Genet, Gibson, Gill, Gilroy, Glover, Godber, Goethe, Goetz, Gogol, Golaszewski, Golde, Goldman, Goldoni, Goldsmith, Goodale, Goode, Gordon, Gorky, Gough, Grace, Graham, Gray, Tucker Green, Greenberg, Gregg, Greig, Griffiths, Grinter, Grosse, Grosso, Guare, Adly Guirgis, Gupta, Gurira.
Hagan, Haig, Halder, Hall, Hallard, Hamidi, Halliday, Hampton, Hannan, Harding, Hare, Harris, Harris, Harrower, Hartley, Harvey, Harwood, Hastings, Havel, Hayes, Herzog, Heywood, Hickson, Hnath, Hoban, Hodge, Holcroft, Hollingworth, Holman, Holmes, Honess-Marti, Von Horbath, Horwood, Houghton, Hunter, Hurley, Hutchinson, Hwang.
Ibsen, Ionesco, Ireland, Ives.
Jackson, Jacobs-Jenkins, Jarry, Jasienski, Jeffries, Jelinek, Johnson, Jonson, Jones, Jordan, Josephine, Joyce.
Kane, Kapuscinki, Karam, Keatley, Keeffe, Kelly, Kene, Kennedy, Khalil, Khan Din, Khemiri, Kinahan, Kinnear, Kirkwood, Von Kleist, Koltes, Kopit, Kramer, Kraus, Kroetz, Kureishi, Kushner, Kuti.
LaBute, Lafferty, Langridge, Laughton, Laurens, Lavery, Leader, Lecky, Lee, Leigh, Lenkiewicz, Lepage, Letts, Levenson, Levkov, Lewensten, Lindsay, Lindsay Abaire, Lochhead, Lock, Logan, Lomas, London, Longman, Lope de Vega, Lorca, Lovatt, Lucas, Lustgarten, Lynn.
McAuliffe, McDonagh, McDowall, McGrath, McGuinness, MacIvor, McIntyre, McKnight, McLean, MacMillan, McPherson, Maddock, Malaolu, Mahindru, Mohoney, Malcolm, Mamet, Manfridi, Marber, Marivaux, Margulies, Marlowe, Marston, Martin, Maslowska, du Maurier, Maxwell, Von Mayenburg, Menander, Mendes da Costa, Mercer, Michalik, Middleton, Miles, Miller, Mitchell, Moffat, Moliere, Monaghan, Moore, Morgan, Morisseu, Morpurgo, Morris, Mortimer, Morton-Smith, Moss, Motton, Mouawad, Mtwa, Muller, Munro, Murphy, de Musset, Musgrave.
Naylor, Nelson, Neilson, Nichols, Ng, Noda, Norris, Norton-Taylor, Nothomb, Nottage, Nunnery.
Oakes, Obisesan, O’Casey, Odets, O’Donnell, O’Hare, O’Neill, Okri, Omar, O’Reilly, O’Rowe, Orton, Osborne, Owen.
Parks, Pascal, Pautz, Payne, Penhall, Petterle, Phelps, Philpott, Pierre, Pinero, Pinnock, Pinter Pirandello, Pirinen, Placey, Plautus, Poet, Pomerance, Poulton, Power, Pownall, Potter, Pratchett, Prebble, Presnyakov, Price, Priestlley, Punter, Pushkin. .
Rabellato, Racine, Radstrom, Raine, Rapp, Ravenhill, Rattigan, Razia, Reiss, Reza, Ridley, River, Roberts, Roberts, Roche, Rogers, Ronder, Romero, Rose, Ruhl, Russell, Rylance.
Saki, Samuels, Dos Santos, Sartre, Scottee, Segal, Semerciyan, Seavey, Seaton, Seneca, Shaffer, Shakespeare, Shaw, Schitzler, Schultz, Schiller, Sebold, Shanley, Shaplin, Squires, Shawn, Shepard, Sher, Sheridan, Sherriff, Shinn, The Sh!t Theatre, Silas, Simpson, Sinha, Sirett, Skinner, Slade, Slovo, Smith, Soans, Sondheim, Soper, Sophocles, Soyinka, Spallen, Specht, Squires, Steel, Steiner, Stephens, Stephenson, Stivicic, Stoppard, Strindberg, Stuart, Swale, Synge.
Tagore, Tait, Taylor, Teale, Teevan, Tempest, Terence, Testament, Thompson, Thomas, Thorne, Theatre Workshop, Till, Toksvig, Tolstoy, Townsend, Trafford, Treadwell, Tressel, Turgenev.
Wade, Wakulik, Waldron, Walker, Wallace, Waller-Bridge, Walsh, Waters, Watson, Watt, Webster, Wedekind, Weigh, Wells, Weller, Wertenbaker, Von Werthern, Wesker, Westerside, de Wet, Whithouse, Whitney, Whittaker-Khan, Whitehill, Whitehead, Whittet, Whittington, Wijs, Wilder, Thornton Wilder, Wilde, Williams, Tennessee Williams, Willis, Wilson, Whitnall, Wood, Woods, Wooley, Wolf, Wright, Wu, Wycherley.
Zajdlic, Zeller, Zimmerman, Ziegler, Zizek, Zola, Zuckmayer.

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